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Anomalous Weather Conditions and Predictive Analysis

Anomalous weather conditions such as the recent cold snap in the southern United States have shed light on the critical nature of anticipating and planning for such events.  It is essential that natural gas operators are able to forecast, understand, plan and proactively mitigate risks to keep their systems online and customers -including gas-fired electric power plants- fed during abnormal weather scenarios.

Accurate hydraulic modeling can provide operators optics into where shortcomings or gaps may existing within systems so they can target their improvements and mitigations.  GTS works collaboratively with natural gas operators and system planning departments to provide third-party review and analysis of their systems to provide recommendations to identify and close gaps.  Our subject matter experts can perform system sensitivity analysis, growth projections to determine future needs, and base load model development work for transmission and/or distribution lines.  For more information or how GTS can help, please use the contact us form below.

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