Asset Knowledge Management
Kleinfelder has a proven method for utility data acquisition with an emphasis on obtaining asset knowledge and for upload into the operator’s asset system of record. Programs have been successfully developed, deployed, and executed for several large utility providers across the United States, and have helped modernize operators’ construction and as-building processes to ensure records are maintained. Over the past decade, Kleinfelder has developed an efficient repeatable process rooted in regulatory compliance to comply with 49 CFR, §192.624 (MAOP Reconfirmation). This is a proven method to acquire asset knowledge, regardless of the system.
Services Provided
Kleinfelder is contracted to provide services that include:
- Customizable Features List Development
- MAOP Reconfirmation
- Material Verification
- Records Review, Analysis and Staging
- Regulator Station Review Program
- Utility System Gap Analysis
Kleinfelder’s Solution
Foundational Items:
- Develop Guide for Conservative Assumptions (Proxy Values)
- Pilots Determination & Evaluation Criteria
- Develop Critical Definitions
- Develop Features List Build Decision Tree
- Refine Features List Template(s)
- Develop MAOP Validation Statuses (Gas Only)
- Develop/Review Records Types, Attribution & Scoring Process
- Data Storage Method Design, Implementation & Maintenance
- Develop Records Review Process
- Develop Records Research Process
- Develop Features List Build and Update Processes
- Develop QC Process and Checklists
- Develop Issues Tracking Method
- Develop Internal Quality Plan
- Develop QA Process
- Develop Issues Resolution Decision Tree
- Develop Issues Analysis Method
- Develop GIS Upload Method
Program Highlights:
Natural Gas Pipeline
- Features Lists built for:
- 6,000 miles
- 750 regulator/meter & compressor stations
- 500,000+ records scanned, graded, and attributed
Electric Transmission Circuits
- Features Lists built for:
- 209 Circuits
- 30,000 Towers & Poles
- 85,000+ records graded and attributed