Asset Knowledge Process Review & Improvement
Gas utility operators are obligated to deliver excellent quality services daily. The spectrum of services ranges from O&M activities that must be performed due to regulatory code requirements to decision making activities to replace or test pipelines. GTS can assist operators in developing processes that are not formally documented, therefore inconsistent across the operation to improving processes to ensure better performance. GTS utilizes Lean Six Sigma tools to ensure rigorous process development or improvement. Areas where process development and improvement can be beneficial are:
- O&M Activities – Pipeline Patrolling, Leak Survey, Regulator Station Maintenance, etc.
- Work Management – Preventive Work processes, Corrective Work processes, Asset Register Update processes
- Engineering Decision-making – Test vs. Replace logic, Issues Resolution Prioritization
Key Project
Work Management Process and Technology Improvement
A client wanted to improve their work management process and technology to capture all work that was performed and standardize the use of the Notifications and Orders in their SAP work management system. GTS developed a roadmap of required technology configuration changes, formalized the various processes and tested the technology changes for performance.