Distribution Regulator Station Design Project
Project Highlights
Installation of Meter Set Assembly with ERX and Mercury Electronic Corrector with Audit Trail
Installation of 42’ of 4” steel transmission pressure pipeline
Installation of 77’ of 6” steel customer service line
Deactivation and removal of existing primary LVCR and MSA
Deactivation and removal of 85’ of 2” steel transmission pressure pipeline
GTS provided engineering design for a large volume customer regulator (LVCR) station in Williams, California. The project scope was to remove and replace an existing LVCR and meter set assembly (MSA) with a new MSA with upstream metering. The customer regulator and MSA were originally installed in 1982. The operator identified that the existing inlet piping within the MSA needed to be pressure tested to 800 psig in order to safely transport gas for consumer demand. Due to the aging infrastructure and the necessity to conduct a pressure test, it made practical sense to replace the whole assembly.
With these issues in mind, the client turned to GTS to provide engineering design services and to develop design drawings for construction. Through records research, site visits, decades of engineering experience, and coordination with the client’s project team members, GTS was able to provide a high-quality product to ensure the reliability and functionality of the new MSA.
This particular design was unique in that the customer’s business utilized a very large volume of natural gas on a regular basis. With the maximum flow of 120 mcfh and an inlet pressure of 800 psig, this design was not your standard customer meter set. The design incorporated a 7M Rotary meter installed upstream of a working monitor and regulator. The working monitor was required to perform an intermediate cut to reduce the pressure from 800 psig to 400 psig and then in turn the regulator cut the pressure from 400 psig to the customer required delivery pressure of 36 psig. Pietro Fiorentini Reflux 819 regulators were chosen due to their reliability in performing large pressure cuts.
To provide additional levels of safety a monitor, a slam shut valve, and a relief valve were installed to prevent overpressurization downstream of the MSA. A pressure recording device (ERX) was also installed to monitor upstream, intermediate and downstream pressures. GTS also completed supporting documents like welding procedures, station data sheets, gas service records, and strength test pressure reports.
The construction for this project is expected to occur in 2021.