GTS MAOP Reconfirmation Method™
GTS has been providing MAOP Reconfirmation services to operators throughout the United States since 2011 – thousands of miles of pipelines and hundreds of stations to meet anticipated CFR 49 part 192 requirements. GTS has developed a proven and proprietary GTS MAOP Reconfirmation Method™ that incorporates key foundational activities from Records Review through Issues Resolution. Our method ensures a systematic approach to verifying records are traceable, verifiable, and complete (TVC).
Following the foundational set up and shakedown pilots, GTS utilizes a proven production process. This production process incorporates robust quality checks throughout
Quality Control/Review – In every production process, GTS establishes quality control points and appropriate metrics to track and ensure the quality standards are met by use of tallies, status reports, and comprehensive checklists.
Records Review/Research – GTS performs on-site hard copy records research – including cataloging, analyzing, scanning and uploading the records into a client’s document repository system. On occasions where the clients have already scanned all the records, but may not have included adequate attribution or metadata, this may cause more difficulty in the downstream use of these records. GTS would update and ensure these records get properly attributed.
Pipeline/Station Features Lists (PFL/SFL) Build – Next, Pipeline Features Lists (PFLs) or Station Features Lists (SFLs) are created. A features list consists of a component by component build out of an individual line that includes all taps, appurtenances, valves, elbows, etc. The build process ensures that all strength test information that is available is utilized in the MAOP calculations. If desired, these features lists can be maintained separately, or the data can be uploaded and maintained in the client’s system of record (typically GIS). MAOP calculations can be performed at the time of the features lists build or afterward at a client desired time.
Issues Analysis – An important outcome of MAOP Reconfirmation is the identification of potential issues. GTS utilizes its proprietary Issues Analysis method to identify issues, recommend resolutions, and prioritize mitigations for the client’s decision-making process.
Following MAOP Reconfirmation, GTS also has methods to prioritize and mitigate issues and maintain the client’s “system of record”.
Method Highlights:

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