Pipeline Replacement
GTS is an expert in transmission pipeline engineering and project management having designed and managed both new installations and replacement pipeline projects for more than 500 miles of pipe in rural, suburban and urban settings across the country including across inland water ways and rivers, through environmentally sensitive terrain, steep mountainous terrain, and along congested downtown city streets. GTS has engineered and managed hundreds of HDD installations, jack-and-bores, main line valve installations, and pipeline stations with regulation and ILI launcher and receivers. GTS has a very detailed process and modeling to perform new pipeline route studies, which analyzes the many alternatives and determines the most cost effective and expeditious route for the pipeline.
Project managing a new or replacement pipeline can be complex with many issues to consider such as the route, land rights, federal, state and local permits, environmental permits, planning for the hydrotest, identifying laydown and working space, coordination of tie-ins with Operations, restoration coordination, and more. GTS project managers are experienced, utilize detailed checklists based on lessons learned from past projects, and able to manage these complex projects efficiently to meet tight deadlines and budgets.