Regulatory “Mega Rule” Gap Analysis
GTS can review an operator’s existing gas integrity management and compliance programs, procedures and practices as compared to the requirements of Part 1 of Pipeline Safety Regulatory Rule changes under Docket No. PHMSA–2011–0023, also referred to as the “Transmission Mega Rule”.
GTS will utilize a team with extensive experience in developing, implementing and managing integrity management, pipeline safety & regulatory compliance and MAOP Reconfirmation programs for gas utilities and pipeline operators. This team will assess the effectiveness of a company’s gas program implementation, or the status of programs to be implemented, in comparison to the rule changes/requirements. GTS will provide the operator/client with a report containing the results of the evaluation, including a summary of the observations and findings, and recommendations for closing the surfaced gaps. In addition, GTS can assist in actions to close the gaps.
The project example below provides more detail on our Regulatory Gap Analysis experience:
Key Projects
Gas Transmission Mega Rule Compliance Assessment
GTS utilized a team with extensive experience in developing, implementing, and managing gas integrity management, pipeline safety regulatory compliance and MAOP Reconfirmation programs for gas utilities and pipeline companies. The methods GTS used in this project provided an in-depth…Read More