Transmission Pipeline Engineering
GTS provides a broad range of expertise in transmission pipeline engineering. Experience includes planning and feasibility, route analysis, natural gas integrity management, pipeline design, uprate design and procedures per Subpart K, cost estimating, maintenance and operations consulting, and constructability review of pipelines and associated facilities.
GTS engineering teams have designed a variety of pipeline projects including compliance related replacements, relocation’s due to third party utilities work, replacements for inline inspection (ILI), exposed pipe analyses, feasibility studies, and uprate driven replacements. Review our areas of expertise:
Key Projects

26-Mile Pipeline Installation
GTS provided engineering & design for 26 miles of new pipeline installation in two phases over a two-year period; Phase I (2017) was approximately 12-miles in length with one mainline valve station and one pressure limiting station (PLS). Phase II (2016) was approximately 14-miles of 30-inch with one mainline valve station… Read More

Mojave Desert Pipeline Design Engineering
GTS is performing project scoping, engineering design, and project management for 186 miles of transmission pipeline rehabilitation. The project addresses approximately 25 miles of pipeline via replacement and an additional 161 miles via hydrostatic testing along a rugged remote ROW containing 30” and 34” diameter pipeline… Read More

Ventura County Pipeline Route Study
GTS evaluated a 1.5 mile section of a 16” pipeline in rural Ventura County to determine whether an integrity assessment could be performed or if replacement is required. The section evaluated contains seven (7) unsupported catenary spans crossing several deep canyons up to 450 feet in length… Read More