White Papers
GTS has published a number of White Papers with industry associations such as the American Gas Association, and pipeline forums. View all of our past papers below and reach out if you would like to know more about GTS.
White Papers
Applying Non-Traditional ILI Technology to Challenging Pipeline Segments for Transmission Integrity Management
Overview of 15 projects using emerging non-traditional ILI technologies, grouped by the type of challenge faced. The use of these methods and technologies is increasingly important to the pipeline industry to perform challenging integrity assessments.
Overview of Non-Traditional ILI Projects for Challenging Pipeline Segments with Background on Scoping, Planning, Coordination and Execution for Multiple Project Types
Detailed review of experience relating to the scoping, planning, coordinating, and execution of 19 non-traditional ILI (NT ILI) projects. These projects have utilized a variety of NT ILI tools and illustrate key considerations for scoping and deployment based on examples from projects managed by GTS.
Technical, Operational, Practical, and Safety Considerations of Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Existing Pipelines
This paper is directed toward natural gas transmission pipeline operators and other industry stakeholders interested in understanding the challenges and means of successfully conducting hydrostatic pressure tests of existing pipelines in densely populated areas.